This week the cast was huge! I try and get the cast as low as possible on his leg. The doctors want it high. Some say it helps keep the cast on the leg and others say that it helps to shape the foot. I wouldn't ask them to lower the cast if it helped with his treatment, but he is big enough that his cast won't fall off.
It helps if the cast is lower. It stays out of his diaper area and stays clean. It also helps if it is lower then James can bend his legs easier. It is more comfortable in his car seat and sitting on my lap. Last week the cast was too high, and after spending two nights in the hospital with Jacob and then having to go and get the cast changed I was tired. When I tried to sit James up he couldn't bend at his hips. I looked at his leg and called over the cast tech and said that he couldn't sit on my lap and that I was about to cry. I had held it together all week, but this was the final straw. I tried to keep the tears in check, but boy did they get that cast lowered quickly.

His foot is as corrected as much as the casts can correct. You can tell that his left foot is shorted than the right. He will have to have his tendon cut to release his heal. He will then have better movement. His tendon will heal without a scar. That will happen next week. And then he will wear a cast for three weeks.