Here is James at 5 weeks. I bought a little swing to use downstairs so I wouldn't have to carry my old bouncy seat up and down the stairs all the time. As you can tell it doesn't give great head support. I still love my old bouncy chair. It doesn't sing, vibrate, swing or need any batteries at all. The only thing that makes it a bouncy seat is your foot. You can see it in many of my pictures, I have had it for 16 years through all of my kids and it is still in great condition. Anyway, enough about my favorite baby seat. I wish that I could find another as great. I'm not sure if this one will be staying long.

I let all of the kids write on the cast this week. Jacob wrote an entire story about how he will always be bigger and stronger than James. I don't know who Jacob was trying to convince, James or himself. The girls wrote about their love for their baby brother. I hope that is more visible in the picture.

The foot is looking good. Now that the arch is correct, they are working on getting the foot to be able to flex and point. The red mark on his leg is from a sock and not the cast. He does have a roll of fat that in indented at the top of his thigh. I am told that the calf of the affected leg will be smaller than the good leg, but to me it looks like the club foot calf is bigger. We will have to see how that turns out. We will see the orthopedic surgeon this week to determine if James will need his tendon snipped and also how much longer he will have to wear a cast. I'm looking forward to being finished with the casting process, but I'm not looking forward to the boots.
Wish we were there. He is so cute. the foot looks good. Love Mom
Hello Sweatheart - Did you know that Kristy Komaguchi (the gymnaist), Rod Woodson (football player), Dudley Moore (actor) and many other famous people all were born with a club foot. In fact Rod Woodson's was considered serious (not sure how they figure that) and he is still playing in the NFL.
Love, Dad
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