First off I have to say that I am caught up with this blog!!!! My mom will be so proud.
James is three months old today. Where has the time gone. The first two pictures were taken today and the others were taken yesterday, so they are all current. He loves to smile, until he sees the camera and then he just looks into the lens very seriously. He must be trying to figure it out. If I take the camera away he starts to smile again. I can't even trick him by not looking through the viewfinder and just keeping the camera to the side. He sees it and looks deeply into it. I was able to capture a few smiles, but they don't do him justice.
I haven't had a baby get so big so quickly. Jake was a big baby and Sarah was good sized too, but Lauren, Hannah and Elizabeth were all tiny little things. I can't believe how fast he has grown out of all his clothes. He is wearing 9 month sizes in these pictures. I thought that they might be a little too big when I bought them... last week! They seem to fit just perfect. I have discovered that snap down from the neck to the feet, footless, one piece outfits are the easiest to wear. He sometimes wears other outfits, but I have to know that he is going to be "seen" to put in the effort that other outfits take.
Only two and a half months and he will be able to wear all the fashionable styles without his brace. I have no idea what size he will be wearing by then. I also don't want to wish for him to grow up any faster than he already is.

He's so cute. I love the dimples.
Those dimples are gonna drive the girls crazy!Watch out!
I am proud. It's great to be able to follow his growth. He looks older than he did two weeks ago when we were there. He is a doll. Love Mom
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