Well, here it goes. I'm trying to start our blog. My mom has been trying to get me started blogging for years! What did I have to say. Now that we have been in Washington for over two years and have missed a lot of contact with family it seems like the thing to do. I hope to make and keep better connections with friends and family for myself and more importantly, my children.
The little girls, Hannah and Elizabeth, and I have had a fun day of dancing to Abba. Jon and I saw Mamma Mia on Saturday and I have been singing Abba ever since. The girls thought that it was so fun to dance around with mom. I guess that I don't do that much with them. I used to dance with the kids all the time.
We are trying to fill the days now that we are participating in our wards "Media Fast" for the month of February. We never watched much TV during the day, but there are times when it would be nice to set the girls down with Dora. They have been great about it. Not watching the Super Bowl was harder on Jon. He made it and is better for it, in my opinion.
We are so excited to welcome our newest cousin. Logan was born to my brother, Jon, and sister-in-law, Drea, last night. I can't wait to see him. Grandma and Grandpa are coming up to see us on Friday after they leave Jon and Drea. The kids are so excited. It will be Sarah's birthday and she is excited to see her grandparents on her birthday. She is turning 9 and wishes that she was still 3 and living next door to her first best friend. Life would be easy to be 3 forever.